Blend Media’s Creator Network: 360˚of Opportunity | Blend Media

Blend Media provides content and technology that make it easy to create, license and publish user controlled content (interactive 360˚ video, VR and AR content) for audiences across any platform, on any screen. Our clients include Google, L’Oreal, UNILAD, McCANN, NASA and Greenpeace and they trust us to deliver incredible new content experiences.

Gaining and maintaining attention has never been harder than in today’s always-on world. Blend Media makes it possible to empower audiences, giving them the ability to actively take control of their experience and discover more from it.

“Over 500 x 360˚ content creators worldwide signed to our network and our collection contains over 8,000 high quality 360˚ videos”

There are currently over 500 x 360˚ video creators worldwide signed to our network and over 8,000 high quality 360˚ videos have been uploaded to Our collection contains a wide range of 360˚ video content including cities, beaches, animals, events, underwater scenes and everything in between.

The benefits for creators who join our network are:

360˚ Video Licensing Opportunities

We have a global sales team which actively seeks to license out our creators’ 360˚ video content to reputable brands. When a license is sold the revenue share is split 70/30 in favour of our creators.

We also promote our creators’ 360˚ video content on our blog and Facebook page – the largest 360˚ video page with an audience of over 765,000. We will also be doing so on our soon-to-be-launching YouTube channel.

See below for one of the 360˚ videos used in the Chic-Fil-A ‘Cowz VR’ campaign.

Camera Loaner Programme

As a member of the Blend Media 360˚ video creator network you also have access to our new camera loaner programme that provides creators with access to professional level cameras for use on professional or commercial projects.

There is a simple application process where we’ll ask you for some information about your proposed project, all applications are then reviewed and if approved we’ll deliver the camera to your requested location. More terms and conditions apply, including length of camera loan, however we will communicate these in more detail during the application process.

Invitations to Meetups and Workshops

All members of Blend Media’s creator network receive invitations to free and exclusive meetups and workshops, co-hosted with our Facebook 360 partner. So far we have hosted meetups and workshops in Vienna, London, Liverpool, Amsterdam, Sydney, Melbourne and and New York. Our next meetup will be in London in February and Austin during SXSW, we’ll be sending more information early next year.


The meetups are an opportunity for like-minded 360˚ video creators to collaborate and exchange ideas and information. These events are also great opportunities for creators to learn about the Blend Media and Facebook partnership and opportunities to work directly with the Facebook 360 team.


With our Facebook 360 partners we host 360˚ production workshops and in 2018 we will be delivering a series of new workshops in a number of cities globally.

Workshop content includes:

How to monetise your 360 video content and what to shoot

The technicalities of spatial audio and integration into your 360˚ video workflow

Introducing any new Facebook 360 features

Tips and tricks for Facebook 360˚ video live streaming

New 360˚ video cameras on the market

Exclusive Discounts and Offers

Every month we send a newsletter to our creators that includes 360˚ video content creation tips, news about upcoming events, what 360˚ content we require, and exclusive discounts and offers among other interesting news.

We have so far offered discounts to 360 VR Film Festivals, 360˚ video post-production packages and equipment rental companies.

If you are interesting in joining the Blend Media 360˚ creator network please apply using this formapply using this form.

Please upload a few examples of your 360˚ videos for us to review. We only accept high quality 360˚ videos at a minimum of 4k, seamlessly stitched, good stability with the tripod or rig removed. If possible please don’t cover up the rig with a black tripod cap or your company logo as our clients prefer it if this isn’t in shot. Make it great. We also take 6k & 8k!