Creator Spotlight: Julian Tramper

Julian Tramper is a 360 filmmaker based in the Netherlands whose wonderful and extensive collection of travel 360 video clips and short films cover the Seychelles, Portugal, Italy, Japan, USA, the Netherlands, Norway, Mauritius and Réunion, are available for license exclusively on Blend Media.

What is your background and how did you become a 360 filmmaker?

I started my career 13 years ago in scientific research, studying the human brain. During these years, I travelled a few times to the USA to present my work at conferences. This allowed me to discover the country and I immediately fell in love with the wild landscapes and amazing nature in the national parks.

Around the same time, I discovered time-lapse photography and I started recording both regular and time-lapse videos around the world. I recorded one of my favourite shots on the Stromboli volcano during an eruption. 

I created my first 360 video exactly five years ago. I had the idea to travel the world and to share my adventures on a YouTube channel. At that time, 360 video just became available for public viewing through YouTube and those cardboard VR goggles. I decided to give it a try and started recording my travels in 360 VR. I discovered the great possibilities of VR, but also that maintaining a YouTube channel was not for me. Instead, I decided to dedicate my time to create content for stock video websites. 

You specialise in 360 travel video, tell us about your collection available on Blend Media? My video clips cover cities and landscapes around the world. Although I have video clips of well-known places like Amsterdam, Venice or Kyoto, I gradually shifted my focus on nature scenes and scenes at remote places. The advantage is that these clips can still be used in travel videos, as well relaxation videos. Similar clips are available showing remote beaches in Portugal and Spain, and the impressive natural hot springs of Saturnia in Italy. In one of my projects, I used these scenes to create a video for scientific research on hypnobirthing.

My collection also contains a unique series of time-lapse videos. These clips are almost like a piece of art, where the clouds form beautiful patterns above captivating landscapes. Recording time-lapses is very time consuming and a labour of love but the results are worth every minute of labour.

What’s your favourite shot available on your Blend media collection?

My favourite one is a picture-perfect shot of a tropical beach in the Seychelles. There you are, sitting under a palm tree looking at the azure lagoon and a clear blue sky. You hear the soft sea breeze through the leaves and the gentle slapping of the waves on the white sand beach surrounded by beautifully shaped rocks. Yes, this is paradise! For some clips shot on the tropical islands of the Seychelles I had to swim with a waterproof bag to a remote, pristine beach without any people!

Another favourite is a time-lapse video with a rainbow recorded on the Lofoten Islands in Norway. The scene by itself is already stunning. But after a while, the magic happens and a big rainbow emerges from one of the clouds. This clip is a good example of the unique capabilities of recording in 360. The rainbow is so big, that it had never been possible to capture it in its totality using standard video.

“Here is a secret for shooting interesting 360 scenes, don’t ignore what’s above you. To make the scene attractive in every direction, including upward, I always look up when positioning my tripod.”

What’s the secret to capturing 360 content that customers would like to license for their projects? To make a scene attractive to the viewer, I always try to incorporate movement in the shot. In cities this is easy but for natural scenes it sometimes requires more creativity. For example, I try to record close to a mountain stream or waterfall, or I put the camera on a rock in the sea to capture the waves of the ocean, or under the branch of a tree that moves in the wind.

Another great way to achieve a dynamic shot in nature is to use time-lapse. The relatively static landscape creates a beautiful contrast with the fast-moving clouds, such as my video clips of Norway.

Here is another secret for shooting interesting 360 scenes. Don’t ignore what’s above you. To make the scene attractive in every direction, including upward, I always look up when positioning my tripod. For example, I have placed my camera inside a cave, under a palm tree or close to an overhanging cliff.

Of all the places you have been to, where is your favourite place in the world?

This is a question I really cannot answer. I seriously like it all! I have hiked through rainforest full of monkeys on Yakushima Island in Japan. I have witnessed an inferno from the rim of an active volcano on Tanna Island in Vanuatu. I have traveled by motor bike through the hills of northern Vietnam. I have made wonderful road trips to USA’s best national parks. I have wandered around the remains of the most beautiful ancient Greek city I’ve ever seen in Selinunte, Italy. And I have watched the epic northern lights in Norway while parked with my camper van on the edge of a cliff overlooking a fjord. You see, the world is full of great places and big adventures!

And assuming you have many more places to check off your list, what are the next five places you’d most like to visit (to film 360)? I’m a kind of outdoor freak and great fan of high mountains so one of the next trip will be to the Pyrenees. I like to make long hikes and I expect to shoot some epic mountain scenes along the way. Actually, I would be great to collaborate with an outdoor brand to promote their gear in a unique and attractive way.

I also would like to experiment with creating content on request. My current lifestyle allows me to be very flexible. If a client needs a particular shot at short notice, I’m available to travel to that place and make this happen.

Aside from 360 video, you also have a new travel-related venture?

In the summer of 2020 I started a new company called Minimaps. They idea is so simple that it sometimes feel almost embarrassing to tell 🙂 I create printed route maps for tourists that fit in your pocket. Yes, exactly, an old-fashioned map on paper. 

So far, it has been a great success and I have great fun with finding new routes and designing new maps. One of my latest products is a kayaking and SUP map to explore a beautiful lake.

If you would like to see Julian’s collection click here and if you would like to license any of his videos from the Blend platform then please get in touch with us at: licensing@blend.mediaclick here and if you would like to license any of his videos from the Blend platform then please get in touch with us at: