IVRPA 2018: Getting Ready for Tokyo Olympics 2020 | Blend Media

At the end of this month we will be heading to the much anticipated International Virtual Reality Photography Association (IVRPA) conference in Tokyo with our Facebook 360 partners.

IVRPA is an international association of professionals who create and produce immersive and interactive 360 photos and videos. IVRPA 2018 will comprise of four days of talks, workshops, panels and exhibitors from leaders in the 360 VR field.

“Given that audience engagement and innovation expectation is going through the roof, this is the perfect opportunity for 360 creators to step up to the plate”

Last year we attended the IVRPA conference in Vienna, however this year it’s particularly significant that the event is held in Tokyo. Firstly, Japan is a country known by many to be ahead of the game when it comes to technology and innovation. Secondly, the Tokyo 2020 Olympics is fast approaching so it’s incredibly important for creators to start thinking now about the best possible ways they can reap the rewards of creating 360 content for this worldwide event. Agencies, brands and sponsors are already working hard on strategies to maximise coverage through the Olympics, and given that audience engagement and innovation expectation is going through the roof, this is the perfect opportunity for 360 creators to step up to the plate.

“Already, we have seen a great number of brands in the APAC market who have been taking advantage of the immersive 360 medium with the aim to drive engagement, brand loyalty, exposure and, a means to drive revenue”

Already, we have seen a great number of brands in the APAC market, including Bacardi, Nescafé and Audi, who have been taking advantage of the immersive 360 medium with the aim to drive engagement, brand loyalty, exposure and, a means to drive revenue. This gives us a strong indication that many more brands in the APAC market will also incorporate 360 content in future campaigns, particularly in the lead up to, and during, the Tokyo Olympics 2020.

Therefore, from the 28th – 30th May we will be giving a talk on how you can maximise the commercial potential from creating 360 content in the lead up to Tokyo 2020, hosting a panel on how 360 VR strengthens the audience-brand relationship, and holding a workshop on the creation of interactive 360 content via our 360 Stories tool.

Facebook will also be giving a range of insightful talks and workshops (topics TBC), and are looking to hold a meetup while we’re out there too.

Keep your eyes peeled for updates.

In the meantime, why not check out this 360 video of Shibuya crossing in Tokyo – the world’s busiest pedestrian crossing – by Blend Media creator, Life Style Inc.

We hope to see as many of you there as possible!