5 Ways HR is using XR & the Metaverse to attract and retain talent

By providing extended reality (XR) content and experiences, employers are able to communicate with employees using impactful simulations, through the various stages of their employment from recruitment to onboarding to training to relocation. 

Gamifying the recruitment process can help to better select the ideal candidates, and by demonstrating the responsibilities involved in the role using virtual scenarios a better employee fit can be established. Once employed XR experiences can support the full lifecycle of an employee through 360 video powered onboarding, effective virtual reality training and immersive content for a smoother relocation. 

AR, VR, and MR, sit under the umbrella of Extended Reality (XR).AR, VR, and MR, sit under the umbrella of Extended Reality (XR).

5 Ways HR is Using XR and the Metaverse to Attract and Retain the Best Talent

1. Orientation. Allow potential candidates to get a taste of the office culture. Check out the Deloitte example we developed in our project spotlight here. This can be viewed on a desktop but obviously more immersive in a headset.

67% of people want more businesses to offer virtual tours*

2. Onboarding. We worked with L’Oréal to show potential employees what a day in the life would be like working in a L’Oréal Salon, check it out here

VR training is 4x faster than traditional classrooms and learners are more confident to act on what they have learned**

3. Relocating. Another example from our partnership with Deloitte where we created a 360 experience to aid staff relocating to a new city. You can discover the London example here, we also worked with them to create a relocation experience for Shanghai, read more here.

Implementing VR for training improves employee performance by 70%^

4. Soft Skills Training.Soft Skills Training. A hot topic at the minute is how to improve your employee’s emotional intelligence, VR based training is proven to help change behaviours. This can include things such as effective communication, empathy building, inclusion consciousness, and active listening. There are ‘off the shelf ‘ solutions you can purchase and roll out to your teams or potential new recruits or create something bespoke that suits your business. Analytics and assessments are included as part of the experience.

With a VR experience training time has seen a 96% reduction^

5. Technical Skills Training. We also work with partners to develop technical skills training that is completely bespoke to the business and its specific needs. See the example here from one of our partners who developed health and safety training for Vodafone.

If you have an immersive project that you’d like to make a reality get started here; or if you’re a creator with immersive skills join our marketplace. For all questions or for more information please get in touch.here; or if you’re a creator with immersive skills join our marketplace. For all questions or for more information please get in touch.

*Digital in the round; **PWC Understanding the Effectiveness of Soft Skills Training in enterprise; ^Strivr