5 Recommended Reads: Demystifying the Metaverse & NFT’s | Blend Media

We are only 3 weeks into 2022 and the amount of interest from brands and businesses in the metaverse and NFT’s is staggering. Whilst many of the conversations are still exploratory, we are seeing more cases of brands putting their best foot forward and diving in. Not all will be successful but the knowledge gained from testing, learning and laying foundations for the future will be invaluable. 

We’ve collected some 5 of the best blogs and articles we have seen to date that help cut through the noise.

1. First here is a great blog from Sarah Salter, Head of Innovation at Wavemaker that gives some great insight into the NFT revolution and deeper context as to why the concept has quickly moved from niche to mainstream and how many brands are jumping on the bandwagon.

2. Looking for some good brand examples, take a look at this article courtesy of The Drum, who always have their fingers firmly on the pulse 5 Brands already ‘boldly’ embracing the metaverse.

3. Another (more interesting) story from the Australian Open that was a real winner, showing off an imaginative and functional use of NFTs within a metaversal setting, read more here.

4. The AO’s use of NFTs also highlights a topic of much debate around NFTs, as in the importance of NFTs having a use other than ‘just’ a piece of digital art. Many argue that for the idea and use of NFTs to really capture the imagination and move the idea forward, they need to have utility and to actually have some sense of function or benefit to the purchaser other than just owning something. See what you think here.

5. Bring it right back to basics with this helpful and insightful piece by Meagan Loyst, founder of Gen Z VC’s The Metaverse: 101

At Blend, we’ve spent many weeks delving into the metaverse and we have a global community of over 1500 XR pioneers who are already building for the future. If you have a project you’d like to discuss then please do get in touch

Or if you have an immersive project that you’d like to make a reality get started here; or if you’re a creator with immersive skills join our marketplace. For all questions or for more information please get in touch.here; or if you’re a creator with immersive skills join our marketplace. For all questions or for more information please get in touch.