Blend Market 3 Months on: A message to our creators | Blend Media

This week we mark three months from launching Blend Market following 12 months of beta testing with clients and creators, connecting businesses with a global community of thousands of creative professionals, content and solutions. Many of our creators have been with us for much longer than that, and we thank you for your support and continued use of Blend Market to find immersive projects and clients. launching Blend Market following 12 months of beta testing with clients and creators, connecting businesses with a global community of thousands of creative professionals, content and solutions. Many of our creators have been with us for much longer than that, and we thank you for your support and continued use of Blend Market to find immersive projects and clients. 

During the beta period your feedback, guidance and advice on how to make the platform work best for you was invaluable, and the importance of that insight has not changed. Your feedback has continued to drive improvements, adjustments and developments on a range of features and functionality, and whilst we still want to hear from you, here’s an update on how we have applied that feedback to make the marketplace even better.

As clients move through the brief submission process we have added the ability for briefs to be saved for later, and for users to ask for help writing a brief. We have also increased the ways in which clients can contact Blend for support and guidance either before or during the brief process with the added ability to book a meeting in our diaries or easily send a message via our website. All of these support features help improve the client experience, education level and, ultimately, the quality of the brief.

We have also added more useful resources to our blog which have been and shared widely via our social channels (please feel free to share also), including A Guide to Posting Your First Project; more project spotlights; and opportunities to Get to Know the Blend Market Community on the marketplace. We also have a full client explainer video in production and going live which have been and shared widely via our social channels (please feel free to share also), including A Guide to Posting Your First Project; more project spotlights; and opportunities to Get to Know the Blend Market Community on the marketplace. We also have a full client explainer video in production and going live soon.

With each interaction on the marketplace, our matching algorithm becomes more sophisticated and we are able to match appropriate briefs to creators with increasing relevance to both parties. Crucially this is dependent on the information populated in creator portfolios, so it is more important than ever to include as much information as possible in your portfolio, e.g skills and platform/tool experience.

Looking ahead to the next few months, we are excited to be launching a significant update to the chat functionality to improve direct comms with clients in the marketplace, and much more.

Please reach out and let us know about your experience and how we can continue to improve the marketplace; what community benefits would be helpful; and any further feedback you would like to share. Share your feedback here. Please reach out and let us know about your experience and how we can continue to improve the marketplace; what community benefits would be helpful; and any further feedback you would like to share. Share your feedback here.