AR Games for Kids – Helping all WFH parents | Blend Media

As the prospect of school closures appears imminent, parents of school age children face a conundrum; How do you manage working from home and entertaining the children at the same time?

There are lots of helpful tips already out there including keeping the kids in a routine and various crafting activities but let’s be honest the next few weeks are going to involve A LOT more screen time. In these times of need, we wanted to share some examples of the best immersive learning experiences that can at least ensure that screen time can also be a time to learn and explore.

Different forms of immersive education are already widely used to improve retention rates from schools to universities to businesses.  Immersive experiences build strong emotional connections which are key to committing messages to memory. Apparently on average, humans retain 20% of what they read and hear, 40% of what they observe and 90% of what they experience so surely it’s worth a try!

Here are some suggestions of the top AR education applications (and they aren’t just for kids!). Please feel free to suggest some more, there are plenty more good examples out there.

1. BBC Civilisations AR 1. BBC Civilisations AR

More than 30 different historical artifacts for you to explore in the comfort of your home including an Egyptian Mummy and various other cultural treasures.

2. Google translate2. Google translate

Now with AR features, all you need to do is point your device towards an object that displays a word and you will get a real time translation. Extend your vocabulary and translate all the household food labels in the cupboard – could kill a few hours!

3. Color Quest 3. Color Quest 

Promoting healthy living, this app allows kids to colour in their favourite character who then comes to life as an AR experience delivering a fun health fact.

4. AR Kid space

Aimed at kids aged 4 + Cosmo the robot accompanies your child on an immersive journey through Space beginning as you blast off into space on an AR rocket before traveling through the solar system. 

5. Just a line – Draw in AR 5. Just a line – Draw in AR

A very simple app that allows you to draw in AR and then share your creation, it’s similar to tilt brush but much more accessible. All you need to do is give access to your camera and you can draw lines over whatever you see. Go and get creative!

And if you are lucky enough to have access to a VR headset, why not try Ocean Rift, it comes highly recommended by one of the team’s chief testers. The world’s first VR aquatic safari park, children can discover underwater animals and learn fascinating facts. There are 12 unique habitats to explore.  Available on the Oculus Rift.

Thinking about how AR/VR could help solve your business problems in the current climate? We are here to help, get in touch at or simply post your brief on Blend Market