It’s good to talk, and now it’s easier than ever | Blend Media

The latest updates to Blend Market

We’re working hard to make our global immersive marketplace the best that it can be to enable clients to create the best immersive projects, quickly and easily, and allow our highly-talented creators to find and win work. That’s why we are continuously listening to the feedback, and making improvements to Blend Market.Blend Market.

We’ve recently made a big change to the way our clients and creators communicate with each other, and we’re excited to share what’s new…

Chat has moved: You will find your messages on the top right corner of your screen, comfortably sitting next to your new profile menu. Whatever the device, your conversations are just one click away.

Chat on the go: We’ve improved responsiveness to allow clients and creators to communicate from anywhere, and on any device.

Chat outside of a project: Conversations are not project specific anymore, which means you can now start building and maintaining relationships over time, easier than ever before.

Discover creators’ portfolios easily: Creators’ work will now be accessible straight from the chat, meaning creator portfolios can be reviewed alongside the conversation, making it easier than ever before for clients to assess and pick the right talent.

Find all client projects in seconds: Creators are now able to see all projects from clients they are talking to, making it easier for them to spot and bid on the work they really want to do.

Two different sizes (on desktop): There are now two ways for you to communicate with others in the marketplace: a quick side panel to write on the go; or an inbox-like expanded view for longer sessions.

Share and find files easier than ever: You can share, drag and drop files as you did before, as well as search and find these files using a dedicated search engine.

If you’re a client and have an immersive project that you’d like to make a reality get started here; or if you’re a creator with immersive skills join Blend Market here. For all question or for more information please get in touch at hello@blend.mediahere; or if you’re a creator with immersive skills join Blend Market here. For all question or for more information please get in touch at