Creator Profile – Tom Martin-Davies

This week we feature Tom Martin-Davies who set up Object Space in 2016 to create amazing social AR experiences for social platforms. Take a look at some of the great experiences he has been creating.

1. How did you get started creating AR experiences?

I started around 2 years ago when Snapchat released their first version of Lens Studio. My background is in 3D Animation and VFX, I had been working for big production companies in London and dabbling in VR – when I saw this amazing new platform Snapchat created I couldn’t wait to start messing with my face and see my 3D models come alive in the real world.

2. What are the challenges you face on a daily basis?

One challenge is finding clients that understand the potential of AR and social filters for their brand. It is such a new medium that a lot still don’t recognise the power it has to engage an audience. Also there is a big crossover between “influencer” and “creator” – it’s difficult sometimes to know if you should be creating for the latest instagram trend or focussing on making high quality work. Often brands will go for exposure and trends over quality. 

3. What excites you most about AR and the industry?

I really see AR becoming an integral part of our lives. As technology improves, I imagine a world where the camera becomes our 3rd eye, it recognises what it sees, turns that image into a 3D scene, then using Ai can overlay appropriate information and content in the form of AR. Who knows perhaps we will all be wearing AR contacts in the future.

4. What piece of work are you most proud of?

There’s a couple of lenses that were great moments for me, such as getting the opportunity to create a lens for Dua Lipa to promote her latest single. It was a fairly simple effect, using some subtle makeup, beauty effect and glowing lyrics on the user’s head. Amazing to get to work with her and her team to create it. One of the projects I’m most “proud” of was working with Snapchat on a project for London Pride – I augmented the front of Buckingham Palace to celebrate the occasion, using Snapchat’s landmarker technology.

Feeling inspired? Tom is one of the many creators signed up to Blend Market. To get started all you need to do is post your immersive brief onBlend Market and find the best creators to match your needs. For more information contact