How to Shoot 360˚ Videos for Commercial Licensing | Blend Media

The purpose of this series is to provide useful 360˚ video top tips to teach you how to shoot in this immersive, user-controlled format to the best of your ability. 360˚ video and user-controlled content creators can apply these tips and tricks to any future productions.

In Episode five of the ‘360˚ Video Top Tips’ series I shall explain how to shoot 360˚videos for commercial licensing vs. filming editorial content. I will also clarify the benefits of shooting 360˚ video commercial content, which I strongly encourage you take into account when you’re next out and about in the field, armed with your 360˚ camera of choice.

Find out about the difference between editorial and commercial content below.

How to Shoot 360˚ Videos for Commercial Licensing

It is important to know how to shoot 360˚ videos for commercial licensing because this is the kind of content that can be licensed for advertising or promotional purposes.

Shooting commercial content is full of caveats however the benefits of shooting 360˚ video commercial content are certainly worth the effort as these clips normally command a higher licensing fee compared to editorial clips.

To ensure you’re 360˚ video is commercial, you must:

1. Ensure people visible in shot have signed a model release.

A model release form is a legal release which is to be signed by those visibly in shot, as to grant the owner of the content permission to publish the content commercially. If you are a Blend Media creator you can request a model release form by contacting me at

Of course, if there are no people in shot then no model release is required. See Blend Media creator, Al Caudullo‘s 360˚ video below which could be licensed out commercially.

2. Ensure a property release has been signed if necessary.

Certain locations, buildings, monuments and events require property releases or filming permits if you wish to film in or on, in order to be able to license content commercially.

If you are shooting 360˚ video content on private property and showing that property, you will need to have a property release form signed by the owner or representative of the owner of the property.

There are also many places around the world that if you are filming commercially on you will need a filming permit or property release. These include places like national parks, estates like any National Trust property, amusement parks, museums, stadiums and palaces.

There are also a number of specific sites and locations which have copyright restrictions and cannot be licensed commercially like the Sydney Opera House, the Eiffel Tower (when illuminated at night), Burning Man Festival and the Hollywood Sign. Its a long list that grows all the time and its always worth enquiring either with us or everyones friend, Google, to see what places either have copyright restrictions or permits required.

If you require a property release form or are unsure as to whether you require one for a particular 360˚ shoot, please get in touch at

The 360˚ video below by Blend Media creator Tony Kern, could be licensed commercially with a signed property release form.

3. Ensure there is no branding or are no logos in shot.

Covering up camera rigs and tripods with your company logo is a surefire way to say goodbye to the benefits of 360˚ video commercial content. 360 Video is still an emerging medium and any extra friction for clients looking to license 360˚ content (like additional post-production and the associated costs) will only create doubt when licensing content.

It’s far better to spend a bit more time removing camera rigs in post-production with software like Mocha VR and make the clip perfect.

See a fantastic example of removing the camera rig in post-production by Blend creator, Theis Berthelsen.

Editorial content:

Quite simply, editorial content is content which can’t be used for advertising purposes. In other words, a 360˚ video that is licensed out editorially can’t be used to promote a product or brand.

This may be because:

There are people in shot who haven't signed a model release form.

The shot was filmed in a location or at an event where a property release is required.

There is branding or are logos in shot.

The 360˚ video below, by Blend Media creator Tony Kern, is editorial due to the number of people in shot who haven’t signed model releases.

If you require a model release or property release form, or would like to discuss this in more detail, then please do get in touch: