Blend Market – Immersive News Round-Up

5 cool things we have seen in the immersive space this week:

1. McDonald’s jumping on the Instagram effect selectors bandwagon.

Created by their agency Leo Burnett, they turned this around pretty quickly this week.. You can check out the effect @mcdonaldsuk

2. platform that allows you to direct sound using facial movements.

Have a play around here.

3. Apple continue to tease us with about what their next move will be in the AR space.

Whilst in Ireland this week Tim Cook, Apple CEO said, ‘I’m excited about AR. My view is it’s the next big thing, and it will pervade our entire lives.’  Read more here

4. It’s getting easier and easier to create amazing VR and AR experiences. Check out Mantis Vision portable ring studio allowing you to create 3D volumetric videos anywhere!  The ring can capture 800+ people a day and deliver an hologram in just a few minutes

5. And finally, Mojo Vision released information about their new AR contact lenses. Mojo Vision released information about their new AR contact lenses.

Read more about how they work and and predicted use cases here

If you want to get started in the immersive space, we can help you find the best AR/VR/XR creators to help. Whether it’s for an AR effect for social media or a full scale VR training solution we have someone who can deliver. Visit Blend Market for more information or get in touch hello@blend.mediaBlend Market for more information or get in touch