Project spotlight: SpaceAR for Space Detectives | Blend Media

Due to the global pandemic Space Detectives, which offers Astronomy and Space workshops for Children, had move to online only. Space Detectives also needed to stand out from other online resources and so wanted to create an AR experience to accompany its remote workshops.Space Detectives, which offers Astronomy and Space workshops for Children, had move to online only. Space Detectives also needed to stand out from other online resources and so wanted to create an AR experience to accompany its remote workshops.

Jo Richardson FRAS, Space Detectives, explains: “Due to the pandemic, my business suddenly had to diversify and go online. In normal times, I use a lot of up to date technology e.g. VR in my live ‘in-person’ sessions and so wanted to develop something similar that could be used online and equally stand out from the competition. I wanted immersive technology to play a role, it is what Space Detectives is all about.”

After posting the brief on Blend Market, Space Detectives was matched with AR Developer Cindy Gozali to create an AR app to supplement current activities. Cindy was able to respond quickly, creatively and was on budget. Blend Market, Space Detectives was matched with AR Developer Cindy Gozali to create an AR app to supplement current activities. Cindy was able to respond quickly, creatively and was on budget. 

Cindy Gozali: “This project is an image tracking AR application to show a Solar system, created using Unity and ARFoundation. It’s based on the real Solar system’s size and time so it’s as realistic as possible. The app is to be used with the Space Detective online workshop and will be used by children and their parents. It can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store and fits with the “Our Place in Space Live” sessions which will go forward to be used within classrooms and events when appropriate”. Google Play and App Store and fits with the “Our Place in Space Live” sessions which will go forward to be used within classrooms and events when appropriate”.

Jo RichardsonJo Richardson: “Initially, I used the online live workshops as a way to get my business through the pandemic; however, they have proved really popular and now with the added bonus of AR app developed by Cindy, they will definitely continue even when we go back to normal. In addition to this, once event work recommences, the AR Apps will be used in a public event scenario to draw people to my services.

Since using the AR app in a number of my current online workshops, I have had strong and positive feedback from parents about how engaged and “connected” to the remote session their children were.”

Cindy Gozali: “I really enjoy seeing users having fun with the app or games that I developed.”

Jo Richardson: “The process of submitting and completing the project on Blend Market was very easy; I would recommend Blend Market and Cindy! Blend Market enabled me to solve the business issue I was faced with in an easy to access way.”

Jo continues, “Cindy is super and a great find for my business. She responds exactly to the briefs, adding her own creative knowledge of the products as appropriate. I feel I can rely on her to deliver a quality product. She is always quick to answer queries and I see her now as a valuable asset to my company.”

Cindy Gozali: “Working with Jo is really great. She is so understanding and likes to hear my thoughts from the developer side, so it’s easy to reach the final concept with her idea and still possible to be done from the development side.”

Space Detectives and Cindy are now working together again on another AR Rocket experience to be used in conjunction with their Blast Off Live Sessions.

If you’re a client and have an immersive project that you’d like to make a reality get started here; or if you’re a creator with immersive skills join Blend Market here. For all question or for more information please get in touch at