Best AR filters of 2020

This year has seen plenty of challenges; but also change, innovation, transformation and a creative approach to doing things differently. In this Instagram post and article Spark AR shares how the immersive industry has channelled their creativity into the best AR effects of 2020. Instagram post and article Spark AR shares how the immersive industry has channelled their creativity into the best AR effects of 2020.

Top 10 Spark AR Effects of 2020: These effects captured our hearts and imaginations this yearTop 10 Spark AR Effects of 2020: These effects captured our hearts and imaginations this yearThese effects captured our hearts and imaginations this year

Our talented Blend Market creators have also used AR to lift our spirits and smiles this year, especially in the holiday season. We’re delighted to share a few of our favourite festive filters from our highly-skilled creators. Blend Market creators have also used AR to lift our spirits and smiles this year, especially in the holiday season. We’re delighted to share a few of our favourite festive filters from our highly-skilled creators.

Marc Wakefield’s Grinch

Even when he was finally invited to the Who feast, The Grinch found that they just weren’t his kind of people. Ever find yourself in a similar situation this time of year? … not 2020 of course but regular years.

Tom Martin Davis’s Santa Baked Potato

Inspired by the song created by @realmattlucas, to help raise money for @fareshareuk – find it on my profile. I’ve long been a fan of the baked potato song and it became the soundtrack to the UK lockdown. I wanted to create a filter to help bring some of the joy of #santabakedpotato and help out the campaign!@realmattlucas, to help raise money for @fareshareuk – find it on my profile. I’ve long been a fan of the baked potato song and it became the soundtrack to the UK lockdown. I wanted to create a filter to help bring some of the joy of #santabakedpotato and help out the campaign!

Immersive Studios’ Krampus and Reindeer

‘Tis the season everyone! Peep our festive Krampus filter….. or you can be a cute little reindeer if you like.

To find out how you can use Blend Market to get access to highly skilled creators Talk to Us or Upload your Brief for free.Talk to Us or Upload your Brief for free.